How VAT and Corporate Tax Will Affect Your Business in the UAE

How VAT and Corporate Tax Will Affect Your Business in the UAE?

Do you own a business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? Then you might be looking for best VAT services in Dubai to file your tax. As a business owner in Dubai it is very crucial to have a clear understanding of UAE’s tax regulations. But confused where to seek guidance on tax payment? Then you are at the right page. This blog will help you gain understanding of Value Added Tax and Corporate Tax and how it will affect your business in the UAE.

VAT in the UAE

VAT was introduced in UAE in 2018, and this marked a significant change in the country’s tax landscape. As a consumption levied tax, VAT is added to each stage of production or distribution of the goods and services. VAT can impact your operations in many ways, and it is very crucial to have a strong understanding to manage your tax payment efficiently.

  • Tax Liability: Having an understanding of which goods and services are taxable is crucial to ensuring tax compliance.
  • VAT Registration: Based on the revenue, it is essential to register for VAT. Failure to register would result in penalties.
  • Accounting and Reporting: Failure to maintain accurate records and submitting VAT returns within the deadline would result in legal issue and fines.
  • Cash Flow: VAT has the potential to affect your cash flow, so effective management of cash flow is necessary.

Are you confused with the process of VAT and how it will affect your business?  Consulting a professional VAT Consultants in Dubai, can guide you. Seeking professional help is always a benefit.

Corporate Tax in the UAE

UAE doesn’t levy corporate tax on most business. But entities like foreign companies, oil and gas companies, would be subject to corporate tax. So having a clear understanding of the implications of corporate tax is vital:

  • Eligibility : Having an understanding of whether your business comes under corporate tax is important.
  • Compliance: If your business falls under corporate tax, then it is essential to adhere to all tax regulations. Maintain a proper documentation and timely submit your tax returns.
  • Tax Planning: Seeking help from a reputable Corporate Tax Firm in Dubai can help you understand the intricacies of tax planning.
  • Financial Strategy: As corporate tax can significantly affect financial strategy of your company, it is essential to manage tax obligations effectively.

    Seeking professional guidance from best Corporate Tax Consultants in Dubai, will surely benefit and guide your business well and helps to manage your finances and taxes.

How Corporate Tax and VAT will affect your business in Dubai?

The Ministry of Finance of UAE recently published a law called Federal Law No. 47/2022 which is applicable on Corporations and Business Taxation. According to the corporate law passed on 2022, below are the pointers that explain how corporate tax will affect the businesses in Dubai:

  • Every registered business in Dubai have to register for corporate taxes and would be forced to pay 9% of their taxable profit over and above the exempted threshold of AED 37500 annually. As corporate tax would constitute the short term liability of your businesses’ it will affect the working capital of the business.
  • Implementation of corporate tax will increase the demand for Tax Specialist, to reduce impact of corporate tax on profits.
  • Corporate tax will lead to Increased sales price, thus making things little expensive, effecting the purchasing power of the clients.
  • Reduced purchasing power would leave a great impact on the demand for products and services thus affecting economic growth.
  • VAT helps business in Dubai less expensive and easier
  • Helps to build a positive and stable economy, leaving a greater impact.
  • The new VAT scheme increases the cost of the businesses as there comes a need to increase implementation and admin cost.
  • Businesses have to be brought together, if you have more than one business on same product or services to avoid the double payment of VAT.

Choosing the Right Tax Consultant in Dubai

If you are planning to hire a tax consulting firms in Dubai, then it is very crucial to select a tax consultant who has a strong track record. Here are some pointers to consider while choosing a corporate tax firm Dubai.

  • Expertise: Expertise in the field is a crucial factor to consider while choosing an accounting Companies in Dubai. Their years of experience and expertise makes them proficient in local tax laws.

  • Reputation: Client reviews is great analyzing tool to understand the reputation of the firm.  A company with solid reputation is a good indicator of reliability.

  • Customized Solutions: Choose a corporate tax services in Dubai, that provide tailor made and customized tax service and solution to your business. 

  • Cost-Effective: Cost effectiveness is a crucial factor to consider while choosing a top accounting companies in Dubai.

How can PROFITZ ADVISORY help you?

Profitz advisory is one of the top accounting and auditing companies in Dubai that provides customized and personalized service to its clients. We are proficient in all aspects of corporate tax and VAT that is implemented in UAE. With tailor made service, we will help you get a clear understanding of how corporate tax and VAT will affect your business.


Hope you are clear about the VAT and corporate tax and how it will affect the businesses in Dubai. Understanding the implications of these taxes and seeking professional servicesfrom the Best VAT Consultants in Dubai can help to ensure your compliance, and optimize the financial strategy of your company. This will eventually help your business grow in UAE. As a top corporate tax consultants in Dubai, we can help you receive professional guidance on taxes like corporate tax and Value Added Tax. For more professional assistance, feel free to contact us.