VAT Refund for Tourists

VAT Refunds for Tourists: Everything You Need to Know

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a dazzling destination, captivating tourists with its futuristic skylines, opulent shopping experiences, and rich cultural heritage. But beyond the glitz and glamour, savvy travelers can unlock additional savings through VAT (Value Added Tax) refunds.

This guide delves into everything tourists need to know about VAT refunds in the UAE, empowering you to navigate the process seamlessly and maximize your tax returns.

Understanding VAT in the UAE

VAT, a consumption tax applied to most goods and services, is a standard practice in the UAE. The current VAT rate stands at 5%, a relatively low figure compared to many other tourist destinations. However, even a small percentage can add up, especially for high-value purchases.

Click to learn more about VAT and Corporate Tax in UAE.

Who Qualifies for VAT Refunds in the UAE?

Here’s the good news: tourists visiting the UAE from countries outside the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) are eligible for VAT refunds under certain conditions.

Here are the essential requirements:

  • Non-resident status: You must not be a resident of the UAE or any other GCC country.
  • Tourist visa: You should possess a valid tourist visa for the UAE.
  • Minimum spend: Each participating store may have a minimum purchase amount to qualify for a VAT refund. Typically, this ranges between AED 200 and 500 (USD 55 and USD 136).
  • Export of goods: Purchased items must be unused and in their original packaging, intended for personal use, and carried outside the UAE within three months of purchase.

The VAT Refund Process Explained

Claiming your VAT refund in the UAE involves a straightforward process:

  1. Look for VAT-participating stores: Participating retailers will display a “VAT Refund for Tourists” sign.
  2. Request a Tax Refund Form: While making a purchase, inform the store staff of your intention to claim a VAT refund. They will provide you with a Tax Refund Form.
  3. Present your passport: The salesperson will record your passport details on the form along with your purchase information.
  4. Keep your receipts: Ensure you receive a proper receipt for your purchase, which is crucial for claiming the refund.
  5. Get your form stamped at customs: Upon departure, present your purchased items, receipts, and completed Tax Refund Form at the airport customs. Officials will verify and stamp the form as proof of export.
  6. Choose your refund method: Depending on the retailer or refund service provider, you can choose between receiving the refund directly to your credit card, in cash, or through a money transfer service. Processing times may vary.

Maximizing Your VAT Refund Potential

Here are some valuable tips to maximize your VAT refund benefits:

  • Plan your purchases: Focus your shopping on VAT-participating stores to accumulate eligible purchases.
  • Consolidate your purchases: Consider making larger purchases at a single store to reach the minimum spend threshold quickly.
  • Retain all documents: Carefully store your receipts, Tax Refund Forms, and customs stamps for successful refund processing.
  • Understand processing fees: Some retailers or refund service providers may charge a small administrative fee for processing VAT refunds. Factor this into your calculations.

Important Considerations

  • Not all stores in the UAE participate in the VAT refund scheme. Look for the designated signage beforehand.
  • Certain categories of goods, such as groceries and some electronics, might be excluded from VAT refunds.
  • Double-check refund deadlines. Typically, you have three months from the purchase date to export the goods and claim the refund.


By following these guidelines, you can take advantage of VAT refunds in the UAE and enjoy significant savings on your shopping spree like in the Dubai Shopping Festival. Remember, planning, keeping essential documents, and understanding the process are critical to a smooth and successful VAT refund experience. So, explore the vibrant shopping scene of the UAE with confidence, knowing you can maximize your tax benefits as a tourist.

Additional Tips

  • Consider using a dedicated VAT refund service provider for a more streamlined process, though they might charge a service fee.
  • Download the official UAE tax authority app for the latest information on VAT regulations and participating retailers.
  • Familiarize yourself with customs regulations regarding the export of purchased goods.

Need Assistance with VAT Services in the UAE?

For a truly stress-free VAT refund experience, consider partnering with a reliable and experienced firm like PROFITZ ADVISORY. Their team of UAE tax experts can guide you through the entire VAT refund process, ensuring you claim every dirham you’re entitled to. 

PROFITZ ADVISORY can extend its expertise beyond tourist VAT refunds and assist businesses with the following:

  • VAT registration and deregistration
  • VAT return preparation and filing
  • VAT record-keeping and audits
  • VAT planning and optimization strategies