common tax mistakes UAE startups

Common Tax Mistakes Made by UAE Startups

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a region fascinated by businessmen and entrepreneurs worldwide. Due to its welcoming policies and government support schemes for startups, it is today the leading hotbed for innovation and entrepreneurship. You might have already received startup grants and other support from the government.

But despite all these advantages, there are common tax mistakes UAE startups make that lead them to peril. It is crucial for startup owners to manage the complexities of VAT and corporate tax.

Tax compliance might not be the hottest topic, but it’s undeniably important. Missteps can lead to hefty penalties, damaged reputation, and even business closure. That’s where the expertise of a trusted local accounting company like PROFITZ ADVISORY can be invaluable.

In this guide, we’ll examine common tax mistakes made by UAE startups and provide practical advice to help you avoid them.

Read everything about Startup Accounting here.

Let’s get started!

Top common Tax mistakes by UAE Startups

Mistake 1: Ignoring VAT in UAE

So, you’ve launched your startup, and things are looking good. But have you registered for VAT? If not, you might be in for a nasty surprise. Ignoring VAT registration thresholds is a common misstep for many new businesses. Exceeding the threshold without registering can lead to hefty penalties and interest charges.

To avoid this, keep a close eye on your taxable supplies. If you hit the registration threshold, it’s time to don the VAT cap. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds. With proper planning and record-keeping, you can manage VAT efficiently.

Mistake 2: Misclassifying Your Products or Services

This might sound technical, but it’s crucial. Misclassifying your products or services can lead to incorrect VAT calculations. For instance, is that digital product you’re selling a good or a service? It matters.

Understanding the difference between standard-rated, zero-rated, and exempt supplies is key. If you get this wrong, you could be overpaying or underpaying VAT. A small mistake here can snowball into a big problem.

Learn more about the common mistakes made by small accounting businesses in the UAE.

Mistake 3: Missing Out on Input Tax

Think of input tax as your business’s cashback. It’s the VAT you pay on purchases related to your business. The good news? You can usually reclaim it. However, many startups miss out on valuable input tax credits.

Don’t let those hard-earned dirhams go to waste. Keep detailed records of all your purchases, and make sure you’re claiming every eligible input tax credit. It’s like finding extra money in your pocket!

Mistake 4: Neglecting Accounting & Bookkeeping in UAE

We know paperwork isn’t the most exciting part of running a startup, but it’s essential. Accurate record-keeping is your shield against tax audits.

Keep digital and physical records of all financial transactions, invoices, receipts, and bank statements. This might seem overwhelming, but trust us, it’s worth the effort. A well-organized record-keeping system can save you from sleepless nights and potential penalties.

Mistake 5: Ignoring the Tax Audits in UAE

Tax audits might feel like a distant threat, but it’s always better to be prepared. Maintain clear and organized records, and consider seeking professional advice to ensure your books are audit-ready.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. A proactive approach to tax compliance can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.


Managing all the Tax, VAT, and bookkeeping complexities of a business, especially in the startup stage, can be a tough battle. But worry not; let the best accounting and bookkeeping company in the UAE handle the hurdles for you.

PROFITZ ADVISORY is your trusted sidekick in this financial adventure. We’re not just accountants; we’re your financial partners, well-versed in UAE tax laws and passionate about helping startups thrive.

From VAT registration and returns to tax planning and audit support, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is to shield your startup from tax troubles so you can focus on what you do best – innovating and growing.

PROFITZ ADVISORY offers a comprehensive suite of accounting and advisory services tailored to the unique needs of startups in the UAE. Our core services include:

  • VAT Registration and Compliance: Ensuring your business is compliant and managing VAT returns.
  • Financial Accounting and Bookkeeping: Maintaining accurate financial records and providing financial statements on time.
  • Tax Planning and Optimization: Identifying tax-saving opportunities and ensuring compliance.
  • Business Setup and Advisory: Assisting with company formation, licensing, and business structuring.
  • Payroll and HR Services: Managing employee salaries, benefits, and compliance with labor laws.
  • Financial Analysis and Reporting: Providing insights into your business’s financial performance.

By leveraging our expertise, you can focus on growing your startup while we handle the financial complexities.

Ready to let us handle the tax complexities? Contact us for a free consultation.